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Central control of reproduction: A KISS and beyond.

Central control of reproduction: A KISS and beyond.

Dufourny L., Beltramo M.


Kisspeptin, an endogenous neuropeptide, is the most potent secretagogue of gonadotropin-releasing hormone. In seasonally breeding mammals, kisspeptin is strongly regulated by daylength (photoperiod), and seasonal anoestrus can be overcome by kisspeptin treatment. Kisspeptin is also suspected to be involved in metabolism regulation. Current investigations are trying to elucidate neuronatomical and functional relationships between hypothalamic populations controlling food intake and kisspeptin neurons. There is a clear interest in developing kisspeptin analogs to control reproduction in livestock and to treat reproduction-related human diseases. Current work is aiming at developing molecules with improved pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics.
