Hormones ans Stem Cells
Thyroid hormone and hypothalamic stem cells in seasonal functions

Thyroid hormone and hypothalamic stem cells in seasonal functions

Hugues Dardente , Martine Migaud


Seasonal rhythms are a pervasive feature of most living organisms, which underlie yearly timeliness in breeding, migration, hibernation or weight gain and loss. To achieve this, organisms have developed inner timing devices (circannual clocks) that endow them with the ability to predict then anticipate changes to come, usually using daylength as the proximate cue. In Vertebrates, daylength interpretation involves photoperiodic control of TSH production by the pars tuberalis (PT) of the pituitary, which governs a seasonal switch in thyroid hormone (TH) availability in the neighboring hypothalamus. Tanycytes, specialized glial cells lining the third ventricle (3V), are responsible for this TH output through the opposite, PT-TSH-driven, seasonal control of deiodinases 2/3 (Dio 2/3). Tanycytes comprise a photoperiod-sensitive stem cell niche and TH is known to play major roles in cell proliferation and differentiation, which suggests that seasonal control of tanycyte proliferation may be involved in the photoperiodic synchronization of seasonal rhythms. Here we review our current knowledge of the molecular and neuroendocrine pathway linking photoperiodic information to seasonal changes in physiological functions and discuss the potential implication of tanycytes, TH and cell proliferation in seasonal timing.

DOI: 10.1016/bs.vh.2021.02.005