Two repeated motifs enriched ... by SETMAR isoforms in human colon cells

Two repeated motifs enriched within some enhancers and origins of replication are bound by SETMAR isoforms in human colon cells

Aymeric Antoine-Lorquin , Peter Arensburger , Ahmed Arnaoty , Sassan Asgari , Martine Batailler , Linda Beauclair , Catherine Belleannée , Nicolas Buisine , Vincent Coustham , Serge Guyetant , Laura Helou , Thierry Lecomte , Bruno Pitard , Isabelle Stévant , Yves Bigot


Setmar is a gene specific to simian genomes. The function(s) of its isoforms are poorly understood and their existence in healthy tissues remains to be validated. Here we profiled SETMAR expression and its genome-wide binding landscape in colon tissue. We found isoforms V3 and V6 in healthy and tumour colon tissues as well as incell lines. In two colorectal cell lines SETMAR binds to several thousand Hsmar1 and MADE1 terminal ends, transposons mostly located in non-genic regions of active chromatin including in enhancers. It also binds to a 12-bp motifs similar to an inner motif in Hsmar1 and MADE1 terminal ends. This motif is interspersed throughout the genome and is enriched in GC-rich regions as well as in CpG islands that contain constitutive replication origins. It is also found in enhancers other than those associated with Hsmar1 and MADE1. The role of SETMAR in the expression of genes, DNA replication and in DNA repair are discussed.